Posts Tagged ‘ prophecy ’

2011-begining of 2012 or pure business?

When 2011 started, I was not very excited and it had nothing to do with anything other than personal reasons. The year came with mixed bag for me. But, I am certainly lucky in any case for not being born in Egypt or Lybia or Algeria or even Bahrain but I am also very lucky for not being a Japanese.
The events that happened in Egypt ended up with Hosni Mubarak finally leaving the presidency after decades of rule. Tunisian movement was the first among the series of protesters across the Middle-East to achieve what I call, there version of democracy.  But many of these uprisings like the one we had in Algeria, Bahrain was met with no real result or change in the system of governance in many other countries. After weeks of struggle in and around the Egyptian capital and the Tahirir square stand-off between the protesters and the puppet government, Mubarak finally resigned on February 11,2010.
Protestors at Tahrir Square

Image speaks a 1000 words

But this is not what the complete story is. The protest in Middle-East was not limited to Egypt or in Lybia. But the world media, which usually follows where US is interested in as always, followed the protests in these two oil rich, strategically placed along the Swiss canal and seriously damaged countries. The media is hardly bothered about the protests in Yemen, Jordan, Saudi Arabia or the mass massacre in African countries like Ivory Coast or Nigeria where millions and millions of people are dieing and UN called a slow genocide. The media is hardly interested in the economically poor countries like Kenya, Zimbabwe and Rwanda where people are dieing of hunger and wide spread poverty. So the revolution in the countries of middle-east was less people power against the dysfunctional government or is the killing of people in Africa humane or in any way justified? I failed to understand phenomena and than a few weeks back I saw a documentary and a lecture by Ian Xel Lungold about the Mayan prophecy and the events leading to 2012. Now before I could believe this guy, I thought about doing a little background research on this guy’s authenticity and found him to be reliable. This guy had a chart from the Mayan civilisationation which dated the earth’s life and the life of civilisation in terms of various stages of developments. The interesting thing was the fact that they had predicted these world events as fast paced changes which will lead to a period of people realising their power or what I believe knowledge-enlightenment.

The Mayan Calandar predicting every major event in Human History

Mr. Lungold in one of his lectures predicted an age of universal knowledge and enlightenment and predicted the new age starting from February 11, 2011. The date is shocking and so is the fact that Mayan’s could predict it so many ages back. This all is recipe for the conspiracy mind, someone who would be able to see the arrival of Illuminati or may see the end of the world.
But, I am looking at the other side of the story and this is what I would like to discuss with you all. I would like to start with the economic importance of Egypt. It controls most of the Swiss Canal region, well almost all of it. The Swiss Canal is one of the major ways of West meeting the East or vice-versa. The region of Lybia and Egypt are also, oil rich and has a major influence and control oil exports around the world. They already control Iraq and Saudi-Arabia is a major ally. Further, both these countries can be easy targets of the US and western forces to control the region so important to China. Then again, both the countries have past history of troubles with the US and its policies over Iraq and Afghanistan. Now comes the major part of what I believe and understand.

I want everything, all of it, all the world

Now, my theory is not based on any hatred of US or any other western countries neither am I saying that people in Lybia, Egypt or any part of the world don’t deserve freedom, democracy and good life. But what I am worried about is the lack of transparecy in how these things are influenced by few sitting in positions of power. I am worried about the business of power and how it is taking over the human nature and values. I believe in equality and don’t want people in UK throwing away food that is one day old and people in African countries die of hunger. I don’t want people in US getting first-class facilities and African children suffer malnutrition. It saddens me to the core and frustrates me on my inability to do anything to stop these basic inequalities. Countries like US are storing natural resources for what they tell us, future use and world is dieing due to increasing prices and scarcity of those very resources. The history of abuse of humans to earn profits is not new. The urge to earn profits has led companies abuse workers and even led to bonded labours or human trade in the past. But what these big nations are doing is simply unacceptable as this makes me think is the whole of US evil, or is every rich countries evil?
Watching the events unfolding in Egypt and what’s happening in Lybia, I have some serious questions which no one wants to answer.
1. Why no attention was paid to the uprisings in other Arab countries? Was it because they had less importance on the world stage for America or was it because of less resources and there geographical location?
2. The abuses in Lybia are no way near the rising death tolls in Ivory coast, Somalia and other countries suffering from severe human right abuses, yet I don’t see Mr. Obama coming out in public against them or doing anything about it but they want a no-fly zone over Lybia?
3. How is it possible that civilians fighting for there so-called independence from Col Gaddaffi’s rule have so much of arms and ammunitions? Who is providing them with these weapons?
4. Why is the uprising in Lybia limited to only few regions and the rest of the Lybia is business as usual? I saw a report on RT (Russia Today, a news channel) a young girl talking about her normal day life and that nothing has changed for her. I doubt a little 12 year old girl will lie.
5. What is the role or even the importance of UN Security Council and its Peace keeping force?
6. Why does America only comments on troubles in resourceful countries or countries which have strategic importance, Pakistan, Afghanistan due to their location near India and China, Egypt and Lybia for the oil and Swiss Canal or even the close relations of the US with East European countries and Chechnya as they share their border with Russia?
So, now the question on my mind is what the topic is all about. Does these events have anything to do with the Mayan prophecy or is it business as usual for rich powers that control not just what we see but beyond that.