Posts Tagged ‘ USA ’

India should worry about David Headley and USA not Osama in Pakistan

Since the day Osama bin laden has died, Indian media, be it new channels and print media is trying to blame everything on Pakistan from being unable to find him to America killing him without the Pakistani defense establishment ever knowing it. The media is in a frenzy in disecting every possible angle as to why Pakistan allowed and how they knew all about him and ISI’s involvment in terrorism related activities against India. Indian media wants US to ask Pakistan to stop ISI from allowing terrorist organisations sending terrorists in India. Woow!! ain’t it awesome. Asking Americans to go and kill terrorist groups that are India’s enemies and than they will do it. Well, they forgot one simple thing, that America could have done. Handing over David Headley, the criminal mastermind behind Mumbai attacks. Pakistan is accused by not only America and USA officials but also world over for its inability or ability to hide Osama but the Davis Headley case is open book. They know he is involved, we know he is involved and yet no action taken yet. He is the masterind of the Mumbai attack. both American and Indian intelligence have eastablished that he had links with pakistani terrorist organisations and he came to India under his alias name many times. He was arrested in America and since than, USA has refused to hand him over to India and instead have registered a case in US court which essentially gives him safe heaven for as long as the judgement is not passed and if found guilty he will never come to India. The Indian media should depict the inability of our government and defense set up rather worrying about Osama and how he died and what Navy Seals did with his body. Remember he was never anti-Indian, he never ever commented on India. So he was not our enemy unlike what he is shown to the world. The enemy of USA is not the enemy of India or the world. Our enemies are Dawood and his gang of killers. They are still free in Pakistan, David Headley and he is enjoying jail comforst in America not in Abu Gharib jail.

What do you think guys?

I am not anti-american but for this, every Indian should be pro-Indian…don’t you think so?

Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo bay or Abu Gharib

Two men held hostage for over 9 years with no trail and ofcourse no real evidence against them:

The doctors who examined the inmates suffering severe health issues insisted that there condition had nothing to do with the torture they were suffering but previous mental conditions:

A 15 year old boy pleading for death and asking for help, fearing for his life from a canadian spy who obviously is not concerned about him being a child, pleading for his mother


America has always been more worried about the human rights voilations in other countries and never bothers about what they are doing. They want the Libyan army to stop killing the innocent citizens, who in all innocence are carrying heavy machines, tanks and are capable of fighting a national army. America is more serious about the human rights voilations in Syria, they were more worried about the acts of voilence and torture done by Saddam Hussain in Iraq.

But the above publications show us a different story, a story that is not shown on CNN so often and publicized the way 80 civillian deaths were shown which had over 5 top CNN journalists covering from CNN alone and that led to a full fledged attack on Libyan oil rich regions in an act to keep them safe from the government and thereby solving the larger puzzle about “resouce saftey” for many of these european countries and USA. Barrack Obama was given the Noble Peace Prize for saying that he will close the “Guantanamo bay” prison while no action till date has been taken. This is how powerful American influence can be. People die serving humanity and they are not even recoganised for their efforts and we have an American President actively involved in two Wars( Afghanistan, Iraq) leading another (USA supported NATO in middle east), whose inefficiency to do everything he promised can only be termed as utter failure of the “MOST POWERFUL MAN ON EARTH” is laughable gets away with almost everything he has and is doinf got “world peace“.

The above stories can be trusted upon and can be termed as crap, sensational journalism and a whole lot of other idioms, but CNN, ABC News, BBC News are doing the same things. The savere state of human rights voilations are sadly ignored by UN, which for most of the world in USA-UN. UN is more worried about 80 people dieing in Libya over 1000 deaths in Ivory Coast capital alone in one single day. For Ivory Coast, the UN says,”please maintain peace and order, they should not use arms against there own men“. I think these words could be used for Libya and Syria and Egypt too. We are lving in a world that is USA + USA allies+ USA colonies + USA targets + rest  of the world.

The prision photos leaked from the Abu Gharib prison showed some of the most shocking human rights voilation incidents ever recorded in modern history in a controled enviornment and that too government supported. The images show us just a glimpse or the tip of the ice berg and the mentality of US and its soldiers who have now taken over the crowns from HItlers and Stalins.


The world we live in!!

How cruel realities are and how easily we start to live with them.

Japan has no resources, yet it is the 3rd largest economy in the world with companies like Toyota, Honda, Sony, Nikon, NTT are global power houses from this tiny little island.

China is both one of the worlds largest economy and under-developed economy at the same time.

India is the world 7th largest country with 2nd largest population and together with China, they have nearly 25 % of the world population living in not maore than 5 % of the total surface area.

Canada and Russia are both the least populated and one of the largest countries of the world.

USA is the largest economy, has one the largest land resource and least popultated countries of the world.

Africa has all the known resources available to mankind, yet it has some of the poorest countries of the world. It is the poorest continent in terms of health system, economy and literacy.

Australia is the smallest continent and has a very low birth rate while parts of Europe are witnessing negative population growth, and we know these places are rich.

Oil rich countries have nothing but oil and that is enough for them to be the most prosperous places to live in terms of quality of life.

What I wanted to say was, the World is far from being perfect. Most of things I have mentioned have a reason behind it. People have come up with laws to support that everything is fine, but to me it just defies logic.

When India got UNITED

A few days back, an interesting phenomena was seen all around the world. The common man exercising its powers. For the first time in the history of “new world democracy”, masses fought for there rights. It happened in America, middle east, Central Asia, China and various other unknown or rather less important parts of the world. The common factor in all these revolts or rebel uprisings was “being against the government”. I stay in India and as an Indian, I have always felt proud of living in the free-st society. But, we also had over revolution or rather awakening. ANNA HAZARE, a noted social activist, known for his efforts to improve the Indian society and his clean up acts in the political system went on hunger strike against the government. The reason was not to dethrown them or to make changes in the democratic system. He wanted, rather we all want, the government to take action against the rising corruption. The 73 year old man sitting on hunger strike was an eye opener for most of the countrymen. The media was all over. Candle light vigil. Mass protest all around the country. Youth was up against government and all this was happening in the pure gandhian way. Non-voilent, peacefull protest against the government inefficiencies.

I was amazed by the way our nation still believes in the non-voilent ways when the world around us is crumbling in war. Americans consider bombing as the only solution. The Libiyan rebels, heavily armed are so confident that they are fighting with there own army (now CNN call them African mercenaries, before the were the Royal Guards, often protecting American Presidenst and officials), Egypt was peacefull only to see a few hundred die in the night, Yemen, Algeria and the latest being the Ivory Coast. Modern day world has one strange notion or tendency. Blood is the only solution. The world has not learned anything from the Indian example, we used non-voilence 60 years back to get our independence and we still use it and use it successfully. Governments in India understands what they should be doing and citizen realises there duty towards the nation. Voilence for an Indian, can never be, a solution to a problem.

American politics recognise themselves as the oldest democracy and now a days they are the first or youngest barbarics. European nations are following the order. France, UK are leading the way now. What is different with us (INDIA) and the rest of the world. Not much, yet have always had faith in our systems and our morals. Voilence is a chain reaction. You kill them, they kill you and it keeps on going. Non-voilence is effective, peacefull and it causes the desired damage. I dont say, it works always, but atleast you don’t have to kill your own men for the sake of a bright future. A future so bright that you end up in huge debts. US, UK are in a big mess. France, Italy are soon going to follow them. Libya, Egypt are destroyed economically no matter how beautifully CNN and BBC present them to the world. An economist will always know the true cost of a war.

India, in these last few days showed the power of people and that republic is about public and nothing else. The fight against corruption has not ended or won but, it showed the world that we still are the same. The uneducated farmer is now running a multi billion dollar outsourcing business but his heart still belongs to the same Indian philosphy. We Indians belive in human god. We worship human gods and we truely cultivate humanity in our heart. Never in the history of India, we have invaded a country.

ANNA HAZARE is a common man with no political or monetary support. He lives in a temple and donates most of his time for the work of humanity, making lives of other better, fighting the wrong and doing only the right. The smile on his face speaks a lot about the peace he is in with his life. The man is true Indian believer. he has enlightened our belief. I don’t consider if his demands of a new legislation and stricker law against the corrupt can work in the irradication of wide spread corruption in our country, but i know onething for sure. Indians are non-voilent not by chance but by choice and in todays world, its something to be proud of and keeps our faith in HUMANITY.



Obama & his Nobel Peace prize of war

Barrack H. Obama won the elections of US becoming the first black president of America and giving the people hope of the change that was better for the world. So the world got all excited and even before he could win anything, he was the ambassador or peace. The “Change is comming” certainly came with him becoming the winner of Nobel Peace Prize in 2009.

Now before we declare that he doesnot or does deserve the highest Peace award given to people like Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela and Dalai Lama, we may need to look into some of his work he did during his tenure as a President of world most powerful and violent country. He won the elections on a heavy mandate and support from people of all walks of life, be it hollywood, business magnates or a house wife. Obama always outlined the importance of working for improving the economic enviornment. The major steps he took was to buy huge stakes in large private sector companies and running them under direct or strict control as a socialistic country will do only, USA was once the largest capitalistic power. The policies he imposed may be a step in the right direction but nothing exceptional to his standards which he set and even worse no concrete action. most of his work is often not supported by majority of Americans as evident by his decreasing popularity. But, I am not talking about his economic policies but his political and peace efforts for which he got the nobel prize.

Now, in the history of this very prestigious award, he is probably only man that is responsible for a war imposed on a country in the pre-text on saving the human right voilations, when actually every economist and someone who understands global policies and politics knows the real deal andyet he has won a Nobel Peace prize. May be they awarded him this very prestegious award before the Operation Odyssey Dawn, but a quick look at the work he has done during his lifetime, I doubt anyone can be convinced he stands a chance to be in the same league of people that really brought the change. Mr. Obama is a man of “all words no action” and the only action he took was to be involved in another war. Well done Mr. Obama. Your contribution to the world, as was your peers, is waging war on another country that according to your standards is not having a government. in one of there article rightly states that it has become the unofficial duty of all the Presidents of USA, find or even create a conflict and declare war. The UN resolution has already been criticized by most of the world except by countries who consider it there moral responsiblity to protect there global dominance and economic intrests in the pretext of human rights voilations. Amrica and UK did this in Afghanistan and Iraq. France and the rest of the europe wants to do this in Libya. The world has become a battle field for these powerful nations. America is already suffering from the viral effects of there “war on terror”, which by there own standards and definations is now a “war of terror”. France and the rest of the europe is next but this time they are doing it in a more sick way. We will kill you, you and you and will save a few, but we won’t protect you against our wrong doings. America, under Bush atleast took it upon themselves to protect the common people of Afghanistan and Iraq, though this is still in question consedering the sorry state of human rights in both the countries. But for Libya it will be even worse. Mr. Obama and Mr. Sarkozy don’t want to take any responsibilty of there actions in Libya. Killing people for fun, to safe-guard there economic intrests. The wars imposed on the world to protect the human rights is basically nothing but a real world display of the war machines developed by these rich nations. The war on terror was used to display the B-2 bombers and F-18’s and the numerous missiles developed by ages of R&D by America. They created this false fear and than genrated volumes through trade with weaker nations. The same act is going to be performed by the European nations with there euro fighter typhoons. There is hardly any other reason to believe these nations will actually care for humans. Otherwise noone in African regions of trouble whould be fighting for survival each day. The poor nations won’t be dieing of hunger when the rich through away food that is not fresh( food becomes stale in 2 hours in UK). If they care so much about human rights why don’t anybody ask the Americans to stop abusing the Afghanistani and Iraqi people. I am enraged at not just these preiemer nations but I consider the educated and enlightened people sitting at prominent positions all around the globe. I am angry on the lack of sincierty the world media shows when giving us the truth. Why are they refusing to show us the complete picture, the complete truth?

Its not difficult to realize the policies and inefficiencies of the Obama adminstration and his staff which mostly has business people there to make money rather than policy makers that build economies. Also, he is a sorry example of a Noble Prize winner. If this is hoe the Noble Price for world Peace is going to be distributed than Mr. Sarwosky has a strong case, as does George Bush, Osama bin laden and Edi Amin. Wonder what the world is waiting for.

Here is a really intresting article on the telegraph newspapers website that speaks volume of the real world politics and economics we live in. Here is the link

The Indian Media

I have always wanted to write about the Indian media. Its one of the most frustrating topics and issues that I have ever come accross. Indian media gives you a ton of reasons to be proud of and it will give you an equal or may be more reason not to trust them.

To start with, I feel I should tell you something. I was in UK for the past 15 months and I came back only in January,2011. I have always been someone who looks for all sorts of information and current affairs is of great intrest to me. Indian media was good enough source for me untill I started to use internet and listening to global news services like BBC and CNN. Suddenly, my eyes and ears were open and I realised how professional news should be broadcasted.

India has always been a liberal country when it comes to freedom of information. The constitution allows a lot of democracy and freedom to the way important information flows. But this has led to wide scale commercialization of news and other sources of media in India to a level that I hardly see any news these days. Its infotainment” served with all the spices available in India. Its frightening to actually realise how manuplative are these channels and what rubbish they serve.

Today, while listening to one news channel, I realised that there have been a sudden increase in radiation levels in Japan and Russia and than they talked about how India could be affacted by it. And now they are talking about how dangerous or risky is India’s nuclear plan. I mean, cmon guys. There is no need to create false alarms about the Japaneese situation. They have suffered a lot, no need to make inftainment news about them. And why fool the simple India public. They are already scared. Scared of inflation, 2012, politicians, scams and corruption. Let them live people. Be it NDTV, CNN-IBN, TIMES NOW, they all have lost all there crediabilty. And the less you talk about those Hindi news channels, the greater good you do for the society and for your country. They are simply disgrace to India, not all but most of them. ZEE NEWS, NDTV INDIA, AAJ TAK are still decent but channels like INDIA TV, IBN LIVE, well I wont even blink an eye if you blast them. Kill them. Burn there studios. Just do something to save the authenticty of news.

I had trust in NDTV networks but not now. They follow the similar heard behaviour and blindedly support any news or report that has something to do with US interests. TIMES NOW, the so called India’s only unbiased news channel will report an issue untill all sources of advertisement revenue genrations dry up. CNN-IBN can drag an issue for years, not days. The rest of pack, is too small to impact and hence all they have is horoscopes and local scandals.

The state of affairs are really dipressing


One World-One Government/Rule

Vasudev kutumbhkum

I have studied the world economics and global business trade and how these factors influence the decision making and political landscapes around the world. A famous economist from Japan Mr. Kenichi Ohmae, stated that the national states are dead. He said that as more and more multinational corporations are mushrooming around the world, the national boundries will not matter anymore to most of the people, the consumers as well as the producers.

Looking at the world we live in at the moment, I stand in favour of this very bold statement. But, I also think that instead of boundry-less world, we may be heading to a world which is dominated by pro-cpaitalistic policies of the USA. And as the Chineese economy starts to influence the global political enviornment we will be heading towards a polarised world. And countries like India, China, Germany which always try to seek their good and don’t interfare in global decision making will find it increasingly difficult to maintain an identity for themselves. We have seen an experiment being conducted in the European continent with its share of success and a fair amount of troubles. But, it has proved to the world that we can live in a united world if we choose to do so.

Whatever side the world chooses, my wish is fairly straight forward. There are things that are good in capitalistic pro-USA policies and things which are good in social Chineese structure of governance, but the fact of the matter is, people want basic items of life. Nearly 80% of the world population needs food, shelter, clean drinking water, proper sanitation and clothing. So, we are not looking at a prosprous world as in the case of european experiment, but we have a world which is two different worlds in intself. One is a generation of Apple
Ipads and designer clothing, which live in flash lights and glitterring clubs and the other is a world which fights for survival.

This whole discussion, though very complicated to explain and to understand leads me to a famous saying in Indian historical texts and Hindu mythology. “Vasudev Kutumbhakumb” which means the whole world is one family. This may not be what Mr.Kenichi Ohmae was trying to explain. Neither is this anyway similar to the european experiment of common currency in a borderless europe nor the way Chineese and USA wants it to
be but this is definately what we the people can create.

Universal brotherood in a borderless world, living as one family which takes all its disfunctional units

2011-begining of 2012 or pure business?

When 2011 started, I was not very excited and it had nothing to do with anything other than personal reasons. The year came with mixed bag for me. But, I am certainly lucky in any case for not being born in Egypt or Lybia or Algeria or even Bahrain but I am also very lucky for not being a Japanese.
The events that happened in Egypt ended up with Hosni Mubarak finally leaving the presidency after decades of rule. Tunisian movement was the first among the series of protesters across the Middle-East to achieve what I call, there version of democracy.  But many of these uprisings like the one we had in Algeria, Bahrain was met with no real result or change in the system of governance in many other countries. After weeks of struggle in and around the Egyptian capital and the Tahirir square stand-off between the protesters and the puppet government, Mubarak finally resigned on February 11,2010.
Protestors at Tahrir Square

Image speaks a 1000 words

But this is not what the complete story is. The protest in Middle-East was not limited to Egypt or in Lybia. But the world media, which usually follows where US is interested in as always, followed the protests in these two oil rich, strategically placed along the Swiss canal and seriously damaged countries. The media is hardly bothered about the protests in Yemen, Jordan, Saudi Arabia or the mass massacre in African countries like Ivory Coast or Nigeria where millions and millions of people are dieing and UN called a slow genocide. The media is hardly interested in the economically poor countries like Kenya, Zimbabwe and Rwanda where people are dieing of hunger and wide spread poverty. So the revolution in the countries of middle-east was less people power against the dysfunctional government or is the killing of people in Africa humane or in any way justified? I failed to understand phenomena and than a few weeks back I saw a documentary and a lecture by Ian Xel Lungold about the Mayan prophecy and the events leading to 2012. Now before I could believe this guy, I thought about doing a little background research on this guy’s authenticity and found him to be reliable. This guy had a chart from the Mayan civilisationation which dated the earth’s life and the life of civilisation in terms of various stages of developments. The interesting thing was the fact that they had predicted these world events as fast paced changes which will lead to a period of people realising their power or what I believe knowledge-enlightenment.

The Mayan Calandar predicting every major event in Human History

Mr. Lungold in one of his lectures predicted an age of universal knowledge and enlightenment and predicted the new age starting from February 11, 2011. The date is shocking and so is the fact that Mayan’s could predict it so many ages back. This all is recipe for the conspiracy mind, someone who would be able to see the arrival of Illuminati or may see the end of the world.
But, I am looking at the other side of the story and this is what I would like to discuss with you all. I would like to start with the economic importance of Egypt. It controls most of the Swiss Canal region, well almost all of it. The Swiss Canal is one of the major ways of West meeting the East or vice-versa. The region of Lybia and Egypt are also, oil rich and has a major influence and control oil exports around the world. They already control Iraq and Saudi-Arabia is a major ally. Further, both these countries can be easy targets of the US and western forces to control the region so important to China. Then again, both the countries have past history of troubles with the US and its policies over Iraq and Afghanistan. Now comes the major part of what I believe and understand.

I want everything, all of it, all the world

Now, my theory is not based on any hatred of US or any other western countries neither am I saying that people in Lybia, Egypt or any part of the world don’t deserve freedom, democracy and good life. But what I am worried about is the lack of transparecy in how these things are influenced by few sitting in positions of power. I am worried about the business of power and how it is taking over the human nature and values. I believe in equality and don’t want people in UK throwing away food that is one day old and people in African countries die of hunger. I don’t want people in US getting first-class facilities and African children suffer malnutrition. It saddens me to the core and frustrates me on my inability to do anything to stop these basic inequalities. Countries like US are storing natural resources for what they tell us, future use and world is dieing due to increasing prices and scarcity of those very resources. The history of abuse of humans to earn profits is not new. The urge to earn profits has led companies abuse workers and even led to bonded labours or human trade in the past. But what these big nations are doing is simply unacceptable as this makes me think is the whole of US evil, or is every rich countries evil?
Watching the events unfolding in Egypt and what’s happening in Lybia, I have some serious questions which no one wants to answer.
1. Why no attention was paid to the uprisings in other Arab countries? Was it because they had less importance on the world stage for America or was it because of less resources and there geographical location?
2. The abuses in Lybia are no way near the rising death tolls in Ivory coast, Somalia and other countries suffering from severe human right abuses, yet I don’t see Mr. Obama coming out in public against them or doing anything about it but they want a no-fly zone over Lybia?
3. How is it possible that civilians fighting for there so-called independence from Col Gaddaffi’s rule have so much of arms and ammunitions? Who is providing them with these weapons?
4. Why is the uprising in Lybia limited to only few regions and the rest of the Lybia is business as usual? I saw a report on RT (Russia Today, a news channel) a young girl talking about her normal day life and that nothing has changed for her. I doubt a little 12 year old girl will lie.
5. What is the role or even the importance of UN Security Council and its Peace keeping force?
6. Why does America only comments on troubles in resourceful countries or countries which have strategic importance, Pakistan, Afghanistan due to their location near India and China, Egypt and Lybia for the oil and Swiss Canal or even the close relations of the US with East European countries and Chechnya as they share their border with Russia?
So, now the question on my mind is what the topic is all about. Does these events have anything to do with the Mayan prophecy or is it business as usual for rich powers that control not just what we see but beyond that.