Posts Tagged ‘ gandhi ’

When India got UNITED

A few days back, an interesting phenomena was seen all around the world. The common man exercising its powers. For the first time in the history of “new world democracy”, masses fought for there rights. It happened in America, middle east, Central Asia, China and various other unknown or rather less important parts of the world. The common factor in all these revolts or rebel uprisings was “being against the government”. I stay in India and as an Indian, I have always felt proud of living in the free-st society. But, we also had over revolution or rather awakening. ANNA HAZARE, a noted social activist, known for his efforts to improve the Indian society and his clean up acts in the political system went on hunger strike against the government. The reason was not to dethrown them or to make changes in the democratic system. He wanted, rather we all want, the government to take action against the rising corruption. The 73 year old man sitting on hunger strike was an eye opener for most of the countrymen. The media was all over. Candle light vigil. Mass protest all around the country. Youth was up against government and all this was happening in the pure gandhian way. Non-voilent, peacefull protest against the government inefficiencies.

I was amazed by the way our nation still believes in the non-voilent ways when the world around us is crumbling in war. Americans consider bombing as the only solution. The Libiyan rebels, heavily armed are so confident that they are fighting with there own army (now CNN call them African mercenaries, before the were the Royal Guards, often protecting American Presidenst and officials), Egypt was peacefull only to see a few hundred die in the night, Yemen, Algeria and the latest being the Ivory Coast. Modern day world has one strange notion or tendency. Blood is the only solution. The world has not learned anything from the Indian example, we used non-voilence 60 years back to get our independence and we still use it and use it successfully. Governments in India understands what they should be doing and citizen realises there duty towards the nation. Voilence for an Indian, can never be, a solution to a problem.

American politics recognise themselves as the oldest democracy and now a days they are the first or youngest barbarics. European nations are following the order. France, UK are leading the way now. What is different with us (INDIA) and the rest of the world. Not much, yet have always had faith in our systems and our morals. Voilence is a chain reaction. You kill them, they kill you and it keeps on going. Non-voilence is effective, peacefull and it causes the desired damage. I dont say, it works always, but atleast you don’t have to kill your own men for the sake of a bright future. A future so bright that you end up in huge debts. US, UK are in a big mess. France, Italy are soon going to follow them. Libya, Egypt are destroyed economically no matter how beautifully CNN and BBC present them to the world. An economist will always know the true cost of a war.

India, in these last few days showed the power of people and that republic is about public and nothing else. The fight against corruption has not ended or won but, it showed the world that we still are the same. The uneducated farmer is now running a multi billion dollar outsourcing business but his heart still belongs to the same Indian philosphy. We Indians belive in human god. We worship human gods and we truely cultivate humanity in our heart. Never in the history of India, we have invaded a country.

ANNA HAZARE is a common man with no political or monetary support. He lives in a temple and donates most of his time for the work of humanity, making lives of other better, fighting the wrong and doing only the right. The smile on his face speaks a lot about the peace he is in with his life. The man is true Indian believer. he has enlightened our belief. I don’t consider if his demands of a new legislation and stricker law against the corrupt can work in the irradication of wide spread corruption in our country, but i know onething for sure. Indians are non-voilent not by chance but by choice and in todays world, its something to be proud of and keeps our faith in HUMANITY.