Posts Tagged ‘ terrorist ’

India should worry about David Headley and USA not Osama in Pakistan

Since the day Osama bin laden has died, Indian media, be it new channels and print media is trying to blame everything on Pakistan from being unable to find him to America killing him without the Pakistani defense establishment ever knowing it. The media is in a frenzy in disecting every possible angle as to why Pakistan allowed and how they knew all about him and ISI’s involvment in terrorism related activities against India. Indian media wants US to ask Pakistan to stop ISI from allowing terrorist organisations sending terrorists in India. Woow!! ain’t it awesome. Asking Americans to go and kill terrorist groups that are India’s enemies and than they will do it. Well, they forgot one simple thing, that America could have done. Handing over David Headley, the criminal mastermind behind Mumbai attacks. Pakistan is accused by not only America and USA officials but also world over for its inability or ability to hide Osama but the Davis Headley case is open book. They know he is involved, we know he is involved and yet no action taken yet. He is the masterind of the Mumbai attack. both American and Indian intelligence have eastablished that he had links with pakistani terrorist organisations and he came to India under his alias name many times. He was arrested in America and since than, USA has refused to hand him over to India and instead have registered a case in US court which essentially gives him safe heaven for as long as the judgement is not passed and if found guilty he will never come to India. The Indian media should depict the inability of our government and defense set up rather worrying about Osama and how he died and what Navy Seals did with his body. Remember he was never anti-Indian, he never ever commented on India. So he was not our enemy unlike what he is shown to the world. The enemy of USA is not the enemy of India or the world. Our enemies are Dawood and his gang of killers. They are still free in Pakistan, David Headley and he is enjoying jail comforst in America not in Abu Gharib jail.

What do you think guys?

I am not anti-american but for this, every Indian should be pro-Indian…don’t you think so?